Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Meeting minutes

“Association of Bhutanese Communities in Denmark”
Minutes of the First Annual General Meeting

The first Annual General Meeting of the Association was held on 23rd. July 2011 at 10:30 hours in Frivillighuset, Bredgade 39, 9490 Pandrup, Denmark. Around 55 individuals from different municipalities attended the assembly.

The agenda for the meeting were as follows:

  1. Election of chairman
  2. Election of reporter
  3. Why are we making this association?
  4. Proposals of regulation
  5. Proposals of our working in future
  6. Proposals of economic, membership
  7. Election of the committee (president, treasurer and 5 regional members)  
  8. Possibly

The proceedings of the meeting, which were convened according to the agenda, were as follows:

1.   Welcome speech by the initiative group:

      The meeting began with the welcome speech, on behalf of initiative group, by Birkha Bahadur

      Bhandari from Jammerbugt municipality. He brought forward the proposal for Chairman and

      Reporter for the meeting.

2.   Election of Chairman:

      Arjun Ghataney from Jammerbugt Municipality was proposed and elected unanimously as a  

     Chairman for the meeting.

3.   Election of Reporter:

      Kamal Kumar Koirala from Faxe municipality was proposed and elected unanimously as a

      Reporter for the meeting.

4. Why are we making this association?

     Thugten Dorjee Drukpa explained the purpose of forming the association.

5. Presentation of report by Ad hoc Committee:

     Purna Dahal from Middelfart Kommune, President of ad hoc committee, presented a report 

     of achievement/development made by the Ad hoc committee.

6. Treatment/Discussion of motions/proposals:

       Tej Bahadur Tiwari from Middelfart Municipality expressed that the name of the   

       association should be amended so that it will not be controversial, work for the establishment 

       of the association should done properly from municipality level with the participation of all


       Tika Tiwari from Middelfart raised the issue about how the contribution made to the fire

       victims in the Refugee Camps in Nepal was reached.

       Moti Lal Baraily from Thisted Municipality made aware that the association should be

       visionary, transparent and should not have vested interest.

6. Presentation of Financial Report:

     Lal Bahadur Bista, Treasurer of Ad hoc committee, presented the report of financial matter

    during his tenure.

    Thugten Dorjee Drukpa presented the report of how the donation made to the fire victims in

    Bhutanese refugee camps in Nepal was reached to the sufferer. He informed that the total amount

    collected for the purpose was $1965 from Denmark.

7. Self-introduction:

    All the individuals present in the meeting introduced themselves.

8. Dissolution of Ad hoc committee:     

     Chairman of the assembly officially declared the dissolution of Ad hoc committee of the

     organisation formed on 23rd October 2010.

9. Proposal, Discussion, Amendment and Approval of Regulations:  

    The approved constitution for the association by the assembly is as follows:

    §1. Association’s name and location

The association was founded on 23rd October 2010 under the name “Association of   

Bhutanese Communities in Denmark”. The postal address of the association is……………………………………… 

§2. Aims and Objectives

Stk. 1. To help resettled Bhutanese refugees to integrate in the Danish society.


Stk. 2. To represent the common interest of Bhutanese to different organizations at local,  

 regional, national and international level.

Stk. 3. To preserve and promote Bhutanese identity, culture, tradition, language and history

of origin among Bhutanese in Denmark.

Stk. 4. To contribute to mutual understanding between Bhutanese and Danish people,

        thereby creating environment of helping each other when necessary.

Stk. 5. To communicate and advocate assistance for Bhutanese resettled in Denmark according to

            Danish law when necessary.

Stk. 6.   To keep up-to-date data of Bhutanese resettled in Denmark.


§3. Membership

Stk. 1. Members of the association can be individuals, organizations, firms and similar and they are

            resettled  Bhutanese, Danish citizens and people with other minorities, who cooperate with

            the association.

Stk. 2.  A membership is for one year, that means it should be renewed every year by paying the 

            amount of subscription approved by the general assembly.

Stk. 3. Minors above 15 years can be considered as passive member, who has no voting rights,

           without the obligation of membership fee and with the consent of legal guardians

Stk. 4. It is the responsibility of the members to report any changes made in their address to the


Stk. 5. The membership to the association will be automatically terminated if not renewed in a 

            specified time by the committee. However, resumption can take place after paying the

            annual subscription.


§ 4. Subscription

Stk. 1. The amount of the subscription for membership for both individuals and organizations are   

            proposed by the committee of the association and approved by the general assembly.


Stk. 2. The payment of the subscription can be made directly into the association’s bank account.

§ 5. Entry, Withdrawal and Termination

 Stk. 1. Entry of membership can be made at any time with the permission of the board on the

     basis of prevailing association’s rules.

Stk. 2. Withdrawal of membership can be made at any time but the paid membership fee will not

      be refunded.

Stk. 3. The committee has full authority to terminate a member from membership for longer,  

             shorter or indefinite period if found acting against the norms of the association.

Stk. 4. Terminated member/members can apply for the renewal of membership if he/she apologies 

           in written. However, the renewal will be granted only if the committee is convinced with

            the explanation in the application.

§6. Rights and Obligations of Members

Stk. 1.  All members have voting rights as well as the right to take part and benefit from every 

            activities or programs conducted or organized by the association. Minors are not subjected  

            for voting rights.

Stk. 2.  Positive and constructive ideas, suggestions, and proposals are always welcomed.

Stk. 3.  The members have the obligation to comply with both Constitution approved by the

            General Meeting and the Decision made by the committee.

§7. Annual General Assembly

Stk. 1. The general assembly is the highest authority of the association.

Stk. 2. The general meeting takes place every year before the end of July.

Stk. 3. The general assembly elect a chairman to monitor the proceedings of the assembly, and a 

           reporter to make a report on the proceedings and resolutions made by the assembly

Stk. 4. All members have the admission to the general assembly and members who have paid the

          subscription will have one vote each.

Stk. 5. Voting insist appearance in person.

Stk. 6. The decisions at the general assembly are based on simple majority of the members present 

            unless specified by other laws.

Stk. 7. President’s vote shall be counted twice in case of tie for any motion.

Stk. 8. The resolutions and proceedings of the assembly will be minuted by the reporter and it is

           validated with the signature of the chairman and the reporter.

Stk. 9. A notice of at least one month along with agenda shall be given either through e-mail or        

     letter for calling the annual general assembly.

Stk. 10. Proposals/motions, if any, should be received in written by the committee no later than 15

             days before the general assembly is held.

Stk. 11. Agenda for Annual General Assembly:

1.      Election of chairman

2.      Election of reporter

3.      Presentation of Committee’s report of the previous year

4.      Presentation of the previous calendar year‘s audited accounts

5.      Presentation of plan by the committee for the coming year

6.      Determination of subscription for the following year

7.      Treatment of the motions/proposals

8.      Election of committee members according to §9

9.      Election of an Auditor and an alternate auditor according to §12

10.  Others.

§ 8. Extraordinary General Assembly

Stk. 1. In case of urgency for any major issues which could not be decided by the committee and if 

           it is impossible to wait until the coming annual general assembly, an extraordinary general

           assembly can be called at any time by at least 4 committee members, or if one fifth of the

           members submit a written application to the board.

Stk. 2. The assembly will be called not before one month after the submission of application.

Stk. 3. § 7 beside stk. 2, is applicable for the extraordinary general assembly.

§ 9. Committee

Stk. 1. The committee members of the association for the posts mentioned in §9 stk. 2 are elected in     

            the general assembly by members’ voting.

Stk. 2. The committee always has 7 members – 1 president, 1 treasurer and 5 regional members.

           If need arises in future for the post of Vice President, Secretary, Chief Coordinator, Cultural

           Coordinator and Sports Coordinator, then board members can divide the responsibilities

           among themselves.   

Stk. 3. The decisions at the committee meeting must always be reported.

Stk. 4. The committee members are elected for two years in the following manner-four members  

           are elected in every odd years and three members in every even years. However, this does 

           not apply for the first General Assembly. In the first General Assembly, all the members of

          committee are elected.

Stk. 5. In case any committee member resigns from his/her post before the general assembly, 

           he/she will be substituted by another committee member.

§ 10 Committee Meeting and Work Distribution

Stk. 1. Committee meeting should be called by any committee member with at least 10 days’ notice 

           for any genuine issues/issue.

Stk. 2. The quorum for the committee meeting is four and decisions are based on simple majority.

Stk. 3. The proceedings and decisions made in the meeting should be recorded and reported by the 


Stk. 4. The committee members can divide the work-load and responsibility among them and

           function according to their convenience. Furthermore, the committee can decide to delegate

           one’s responsibility to another committee member in case he/she is not available for a

           particular period.

§ 11. Accounts

Stk. 1. The accounting year of the association is the calendar year i.e. 1st January to 31st December

Stk. 2. The year of the subscription is from 1. August to 31th July.

Stk. 3. The treasurer keeps the record of all financial transactions and the assets of the organisation.

Stk. 4. All cash received as membership fee and grants/donations, except petty cash for petty 

            expenditure, should be deposited into the bank account of the association. The bank account

            should be opened in a recognised bank.

Stk. 5. A final account should be prepared by the treasurer at the end of the financial year and it

            should be audited internally by president before presenting to the elected auditor for


Stk. 6. The approved account by the elected auditor should be presented to the committee 1½

             months before the general assembly.

§ 12. Auditor and Auditor alternate

Stk. 1. An auditor is elected in every odd year’s general assembly and an auditor alternate in

           every even year’s general assembly. However, in the first general assembly, both will be


Stk. 2. The elected auditor has to audit and approved the internally audited account.

Stk. 3. In case, due to unavoidable circumstances, if the auditor resigns from his/her post, the  

           alternate auditor will take charge of him/her till the coming general assembly.

§ 13. Amendment of the Constitution


Stk. 1. The regulations of the association can only be amended in the general assembly with 2/3 of

            the members’ votes attending the general assembly.

§ 14. Dissolution

Stk. 1. The association can be dissolved through a general assembly called for the purpose with at

            least two third votes of the members present in the assembly. The assets of the association

            shall be given as a grant to any social organization as decided by the general assembly.

10.  Proposal and Approval of membership fee:

       The chairman of the assembly proposed individual membership fee of dk 75 for one year and it

       was approved unanimously after a short discussion.    

11.   Election of Committee members:

  The elected members for the committee are as follows:

1.      Thugten Dorjee Drukpa – President

2.      Kuldeep Katheth – Treasurer

3.      Tika Tiwari- Coordinator for Fyn

4.      Hem Sagar Timsina – Coordinator for Midtjylland

5.      Moti Lal Baraily – Coordinator for Nordjylland

         The assembly gave the authority to the elected committee to nominate coordinators for the

         Regions Sønderjylland and Sjælland/Bornholm.

12. Election of Auditor and Alternate Auditor:

      Bishnu Prasad Adhikari from Haslev was elected as Auditor.

       Lal Bahadur Bista from Middelfart was elected as Auditor alternate.

13. Vote of Thanks:

      Pushpa Lal Pokhrel from Pandrup gave a short speech to thank the participants of the assembly  

      for their participation,  patience and discipline.

14. Conclusion of the Assembly:

      At the end, the Chairman of the assembly, Arjun Ghataney, officially declared that the

      assembly was over.

Reportes’s Signature: Kamal Koirala

Chairman’s Signature: Arjun Ghatani   

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